Sony Awarded $675,000 for Copyrighted Music Downloads

For many years now, the battle has raged on between music companies and internet users that seek to download and obtain copyrighted product for free. On one side, the legitimate argument that a product that is otherwise sold is being taken, or stolen, when downloaded for free. On the other side looms the argument that the internet is an arena of free reign in which the music companies are out of line for being concerned with. In the recent ruling of Sony BMG Music Entertainment V. Tenenbaum USCA, First Circuit June 25, 2013, the courts certainly affirmed the legitimacy of the music industry’s complaints. Over the course of several years, Joel Tenenbaum downloaded as many as 5,000 individual songs online. This activity continued despite warnings from many parties including Tenenbaum’s own family members, friends, his college, and even a group of music companies. Eventually, Tenenbaum would face civil suit from Sony BMG Music Entertainment. The subsequ...